Welcome to Our Practice!

Edmonton's Comprehensive Chiropractic Clinic

Chiropractic clinic in Edmonton

Are you considering chiropractic care, but are not sure if it’s right for you? We want you to make us your Edmonton Chiropractor – and to discover why this decision is probably long overdue.

Over and over again, new patients come to our office suffering with some of the most common reasons people visit chiropractors - headaches, neck pain, upper or mid back pain, and low back pain.

Most patients have “tried everything” before walking through our doors.  At first, they hoped it would just go away. When that didn’t happen, they may have tried some home remedies like heat, or a hot shower, or maybe convinced a family member to work on their muscle knot.  If that doesn’t work (and it usually doesn’t) they kick things up a notch by taking over-the-counter medications and hoping for the best. The danger is when they keep taking these medications in increasing amounts, even though they’re not helping much.

Chiropractic is often a patient’s last resort – but it doesn’t need to be.  We understand that while most people say they would consider chiropractic care, they still have that nagging doubt about whether it can help their condition. Before considering any Edmonton Chiropractor as your choice, please take a look at our approach.

If you are hesitant to try chiropractic care, please share your concerns with us. We are more than happy to sit down and discuss all of your questions and concerns before beginning treatment. We accept only those patients for care that we sincerely believe we can help, and we want to help you!

A comment we hear quite often here at the clinic is: “I wish I would have known about chiropractic sooner!”

We believe in the benefits of what we do, and are certain that you will eventually make the same comment. You might as well make it sooner than later!

Patients Have Been Helped With The Following Conditions:


Neck pain

Shoulder pain

Low back pain


Upper back pain

Disc problems

Spinal Decompression

Spinal Adjustment

Ideal Protein

Upper extremity problems

Lower extremity problems

Pre- and Post-natal care

Infant care

Auto accidents / Motor vehicle injuries

Work injuries

PLEASE NOTE: We also have MASSAGE THERAPY available at our clinic.  Call our office to book your appointment!

There is no reason why you shouldn’t visit our office today to finally start feeling better again. You can schedule a no-obligation consultation.  We’ll sit down and talk about your past health history and what’s going on now. Our doctors will listen for indicators that your condition can be helped by treatment in our office. If we can help, we’ll let you know right away. If you happen to need a different kind of healthcare provider, we’ll let you know that too.

Call Our Edmonton Chiropractic Office Today At

(780) 457-3621 !